About Conference
Materials Science Conferences warmly greeting the scientists, leaders, researchers, societies, regulators, organizations and students to join us for Materials Science & Engineering 2019 Conferences during September 26-27, 2019 at Paris, France. Materials Science & Engineering is a Computational modelling of materials; atomistic modelling based on fundamental theory and its applications for Materials Engineering; modelling of nano-sized systems; surface/interface reactions; self-assembly of supramolecular nanostructures; hybrid modelling techniques for nanotechnology; massively parallel computing. Materials Science & Engineering Conference is going to be a platform to integrate & motivate participants through keynote session, presentations, exhibition, paper, workshop, poster presentation, symposium, and discussion. The Conference also will have an area for firms and establishments to present their services, products, innovations and research results.
The Material science and Engineering 2019 participants will get an opportunity to learn new advances, technologies and discoveries; will encourage and promote collaboration; to identify hurdles that slow the development of advanced materials; and career development of young researchers at the platform of Hilaris Conferences. The Material Science and Engineering Conference programme will include keynote/plenary sessions, industrial and academics talks, specific workshops, symposia, young scholar’s forum, video presentations, and exciting discussions.
Hilaris Conferences is going to host International Conferences, Meetings, Workshops, Events, and Symposiums in the large domains of Life Sciences, Clinical Science, Medical Science, Healthcare, Agriculture & Food, pharmaceuticals, Environmental Sciences, and Applied Engineering etc. Material Science 2019 will provide a spectrum of a chance to expand information and share new ideas amongst the technologist, Professionals, Industrialists, Researchers, Innovators, and students from research area of Material Science, Engineering, Nano Materials and Nanomedicine. we welcome you to be a part of the Hilaris Conference and share your information for a wonderful future. we look for the support of all the stakeholders to satisfy our vision "Join us as a learner and proceed as a Leader".
Special Issues
- All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Supporting International Journals.
- Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by Cross Ref.
See more at:-https://www.hilarisconferences.com/materials-science